First Things First

Hello and welcome. It is likely that you are here because you are in the process of or have lost a very important being in your life. A soulmate. A friend. Someone who cannot be replaced. You are here because you were lucky enough to have experienced the wonder of the human-animal bond.

Keep In Mind

Why It Hurts

Many people lose a pet and expect to bounce back easily, only to find that the grief they feel for their Pomeranian or Persian cat outweighs that of the loss of a sibling or parent. Psychologists and grief counselors say that this pain derives from the constant companionship we receive from our companion animals. Our lives and routines are built around our pets. When that constant connectedness ends with the loss of the pet, we can feel their absence a lot more intensely. And for many of us, our animals are our family, sometimes the closest family we have.

Ways to Cope, Celebrate, and Remember